Here we are in the beginning of a new year..
At the start of a brand new year ... full of possibilities ahead of us.
I received this note from one of my very successful mentor.
Here you go..
That's 525,600 MINUTES you get to spend any way you want.
So the question is...
What will YOU do with these precious minutes to suck the juice out of life... to have and
do and be what you crave from the bottom of your soul?
Will you use these minutes to create the life you most desire?
A life full of fun, freedom, success, satisfaction, love and peace of mind?
Or will you just sit back and be a spectator... settling for what comes your way, wishing for something more or better but accepting (and expecting) much less that what you really want?
What's been your track record so far?
Look back at 2008... did you move toward or away from what you want?
For instance, I...
* Doubled my income
* Lost 20 lbs
* Built a new 7 figure business
* Traveled first-class to resorts all over
* Spent more time with my family
How about you?
If you didn't get what you wanted last year, doing more of the same will only guarantee you won't get what you want this year, either.
Wayne Dyer has a saying I love...
"If you want what you've never had
you must do what you've never done."
So the question is, are you willing to change what you're doing to change what you're getting in life?
2008 was a year of changes for me-- and I'm happy to say they paid off in spades. (I'll tell you more about what's been going on shortly.)
But that's nothing compared to what I have planned for 2009... we're talking major changes to take life to the next level. It's all good--I can't wait. ;)
How about you?
What is it you REALLY want?
Do you know?
Are you crystal clear?
If not, that's your first step-- getting crystal clear on what you WANT.
>> Write it down-- in detail.
>> Make an audio recording walking through the life you want (as if you already have it) and play it daily.
>> Create a Dream Scene. Cut out pictures of what you want and paste them on a board or put them on your computer as your desktop wallpaper. Keep them around somewhere you can see them often.
>> Visualize your picture perfect life. Spend the first 15 minutes when wake up every morning "creating your day" in your mind. Then spend the last 15 minutes right before you go to sleep
vividly imagining the life you most desire.
>> Move toward what you want. Make sure everything you think, say and do are a "match" to the life you want. In other words, you can't expect to go around thinking, speaking and acting poor and have wealth show up in your life. It's not a match!
And remember...
If you want what you've never had... you must do what you've never done.
And I'm not talking about hard work, struggle or making huge sacrifices.
If hard work were the key to success every roofer and ditch digger would be millionaires.
Getting everything you want in life is 90% MENTAL and only 10% METHOD (meaning,
what you do).
Your mindset is definitely the place to start--because it's your most powerful tool-- the key that unlocks every door you could ever want opened to you in life.
But it can also be your worst enemy--the thing that keeps you bound by invisible shackles--ensuring you will never enjoy the life of success, abundance and fulfillment you were created to live.
The good news is, you get to choose.
Your mind is yours to do with as you please. That powerful mind magic can be unleashed for good or bad... it's up to you.
Choose well.
To Living The Good Life,
Lisa Diane
P.S. I know I haven't seen you an email in awhile. I took the last half of the year off. But I've got a really exciting announcement to make--so stay tuned.
Believe me when I tell you... everything is about to change... big time!
But for now, enjoy today with people you love... and don't forget to count your blessings big and small.
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